Managing Enteritis The medical management of radiation enteritis includes dietary changes, medication and, in severe cases, an interruption of radiation treatment. If you are getting abdominal or pelvic radiation you should start on a low-fat, low-fiber, low-residue diet right from the beginning of treatment. Enteritis: Hints on Food Tolerance Foods to Avoid • Whole-grain or high-bran breads and cereals. • Nuts, seeds, coconut, beans and legumes. • Fried, greasy or fatty foods, which may be hard to digest. • Fresh and dried fruit and some fruit juices (such as prune juice). • Raw vegetables. • Rich pastries. Popcorn, potato chips and pretzels. • Strong spices and herbs. • Chocolate, coffee, tea and soft drinks containing caffeine. • Alcohol and tobacco. • Milk and milk products. Exceptions are buttermilk and yogurt, which are often tolerated because lactose is altered in the presence of lactobacillus. You might be able to tolerate processed cheese, because the lactose has been removed. You may use milkshake supplements such as Ensure, which are lactose-free.